Yahoo to make a bid on Groupon?

And while many think that has to mean grabbing one of the big content companies–such as AOL (AOL) or Demand Media–right in Yahoo’s wheelhouse, rumours say they are looking at the commerce space and more specifically the Online to Offline commerce space.
The dominating player in the space, Groupon, is being eyed by Yahoo for a bid according to rumours. This would put Yahoo smack in the middle of the hot space around Online to Offline commerce.
As we see it, it would make perfect sense, the Online to Offline commerce space is the next major wave in online advertising, and the market is up for grabs, in what might turn out to be a trillion dollar market in the US alone.
This would be a very interesting turn, as it would put some pressure on the other players in the Internet space Google, Microsoft and even Facebook or Twitter to look at M&A in the Online to Offline commerce space.