What are past attendees saying?
I wanted to compliment you on your event last week – really outstanding, top to bottom. I’ll fill out the official survey, but I wanted you to know how much I appreciated your work!
Congrats on a great event. It takes a lot of work to make things look that smooth and easy. You guys put on a good show, and made possible a lot of connections in the community. A lot of funds talk about adding value, Bootstrap is actually doing it.
I am most impressed with the Applied A.I. Conference you put together. I enjoyed every minute of it.
There was such great energy, great speakers and great content. Congrats!! Everyone we talked to was raving about Bootstrap Labs – really great event for the company.
My hearty congratulations on the Applied AI conference last week. It was truly a tour de force of AI. I learned a lot and made many great new connections. Well done, yet again!
Lots of value and well worth my time, especially enjoyed that various speakers were available for “hallway” discussions.