New Release: Install Any Operating System

Fresh from Witsbits:

This release is particularly cool! You may now install any guest operating system, where ever the server is located. Just select a guest operating system from the list of installation ISO images, or if your favorite or custom operating system is not available, then you can just add it to your custom list of images. We’ve also thrown in a bunch of user interface upgrades and other enhancements with this release.

Check it out!

The reason we’re a bit extra exited about this release is because it’s the last step in making Witsbits completely flexible in regards to VM formats and supported guest operating systems.

You can now:

  • launch VMs from the list of pre-configured templates,
  • add you own VMs from other hypervisors,
  • install guest operating systems from a list of ISOs
  • or add an installation ISO for what ever weird operating system you can come to think of.
You may host your VMs on:
  • your own physical servers, or
  • on servers provided by our hosting partners.
Kind cool, huh?
Next, screenshots!
Hit Start on any ISO image (ISOs have a round icon to the left)
Give your VM a name and a password and choose where you want to deploy it, then hit Power On
The VM starts with the ISO image and now you should click Connect
The connect guide pops up and if you connect with VNC you can perform the regular installation procedure for your guest operating system – that’s it, you have a new custom VM

What if my favorite operating system is not in the list?

You may add any ISO image to your library. Click the Add Template button, pick a name and enter the URL to your ISO image, and don’t forget to check the This is an installation ISO – then click Add and you have a new ISO template that you can use with the steps described above

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