Serial entrepreneur Nils Svangard joins Witsbits

BootstrapLabs company Witsbits, add another serial entrepreneur to its advisory board that also invests an undisclosed sum in the company. Witsbits is the company behind Go Cloud™, a software suite that quickly turn of-the-shelf servers and infrastructure into a unified compute and storage cloud, for Internet service providers. More information follows: Gothenburg, June 1, 2010. […]

IDG Blogger Magnus Penker about BootstrapLabs [Swedish]

IDG Blogger Magnus Penker blogged about BootstrapLabs (in Swedish), read it here:

Prezi close VC-round and establish advisory board with Twitter founder Jack Dorsey

21st of June, San Francisco. For immediate release. BoostrapLabs client Prezi, Inc closed a series A-round from Danish VC SunStone Capital. At the same time Twitter founder Jack Dorsey is coming onboard as an advisor to Prezi, to assist Prezi BootstrapLabs has been working with Prezi since February this year; advicing the founders and helping […]

Andreessen Readies a New Venture Capital Firm

The Silicon Valley star’s company has attracted lots of interest, and $300 million. Can he deliver with his innovative approach? This is a structured angel funding approach that might work very well, see the video and read the whole Business Week article here.

Arctic Startup about Witsbits

Arctic startup’s Paula Marttila article about Witsbits not too long ago: “Witsbits, a Swedish startup company, is the first and so far only actor in the Nordic and Scandinavian region providing cloud computing services. They started already in 2004, in the era when cloud computing still was called utility computing. The journey into cloud computing began in 2003 when […]

Witsbits to go-to the USA with BootstrapLabs

23rd of June 2009 San Francisco and Göteborg. For immediate release, Witsbits has entered into an agreement with San Francisco based BootstrapLabs to establish US presence. Setting up US presence is the first step of an extensive agreement between Witsbits and BootstrapLabs. BootstrapLabs is additionally to provide Witsbits with advisory and strategic planning, secure an […] writes about BootstrapLabs’s Paula Marttila wrote about BootstrapLabs today. Great article, and really sums up what we are looking for here at BootstrapLabs (and our excitement about Prezi!) If you are a Scandinavian startup or interested in Scandinavian startups, vc’s and Entrepreneurship, make you follow, which I think is very well on it’s way to become […]

Pressrelease – Prezi to go-to the US with BootstrapLabs

28th of April 2009 San Francisco, Stockholm and Budapest. For immediate release, Prezi has entered into an agreement with San Francisco based BootstrapLabs. to help Prezi establish a US presence. This is part of an agreement between Prezi, BootstrapLabs and CrossConnect, to provide Prezi with advisory and strategic planning and help Prezi establish a senior […]

IDG’s InternetWorld interview with BootstrapLabs founder

Internetworld published an article today about bootstrapLabs, although in Swedish: InternetWorld article by Miriam Olsson If you don’t read Swedish Google Translate can (kind of) help: Translation according to Google Translate