Applied AI: The Next Wave of Disruption


Press Release: The Applied Artificial Intelligence Conference 2016

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA (PRWEB) MAY 25, 2016 The annual BootstrapLabs Applied Artificial Intelligence Conference will take place on Wednesday May 25th in San Francisco. This year’s conference will focus on AI’s disruptive power and its impact on Society, the Enterprise, and People. The conference has a packed house of 400+ attendees and features 43 thought […]

Artificial Intelligence Report

AI is going to change everything

We are on the brink of a major disruption, which we think might be bigger than the industrial revolution. At BootstrapLabs we are focusing heavily on a major shift that is impacting almost every sector: Artificial Intelligence – AI. AI has reached an inflection point, where it can now be applied to quickly drive efficient returns, and in our […]

Applied AI: eHealth & the human genome

At the recent TED conference, Riccardo Sabatini, spoke about the amazing potential from our recent understanding of the entire human genome. He wheeled 175 huge books with over 260 thousand pages, each  filled with A, G, T and Cs, containing the entire DNA of Craig Venter. Predicting (and preventing) health issues. He turned the page and read a sequence […]

BootstrapLabs: Venture Builders in Silicon Valley with a Global Community

When we founded BootstrapLabs eight years ago, we set out to create a company that would empower some of the world’s best technology entrepreneurs to build disruptive companies from Silicon Valley. In our quest to build an efficient and scalable process to empower entrepreneurs, we transformed BootstrapLabs into a world class Venture Builder platform and brought together […]

Applied AI: DIY self driving car

The First Person to Hack the iPhone Built a Self-Driving Car. In His Garage. Using Artificial Intelligence software and consumer-grade cameras – that have become good enough to allow a clever tinkerer to create a low-cost self-driving system for just about any car. That tinkerer and hacker is George Hotz. The technology he is building represents an […]

Sequencing is “make or break” for building a startup

One of the most important things when building a startup is the sequence of how you execute. It is even more important than “doing the right things”. You need to be laser focused and meticulous on the execution at hand, while driving towards your big vision of your company, and evaluating the plan regularly. By NOT […]

What most people don’t know about being a startup CEO/founder

Techblogs tend to paint a glamorous picture of how easy it is to raise a billion dollars in funding and build a startup. Reality is very different – it is hard work, a long journey and compared to a job, you are never really off the job. As a startup founder for 20+ years and counting, […]

Venture Capital Industry: At the Dawn of a New Era

2015 has been a banner year for BootstrapLabs. During the past 12 months, we led our first Series A round in an exciting FinTech company, all our portfolio companies raised follow-on funding at higher valuation and we continued to expand our Expert in Residence team to support our portfolio companies. We believe that technology is […]

Venture Capital Disrupts Itself: Breaking the Concentration Curse

Please note this is a short version of the Venture Capital Disrupts Itself: Breaking the Concentration Curse report published by the Cambridge Associates. At the end of this blog post you can find the link to access to the original file.   Venture Capital Disrupts Itself: Breaking the Concentration Curse The Old Wives Tale … […]

Behavioral Analytics: Just Keep It Simple

Today’s guest post is from Marianna Yanike Graf. Behavioral Analytics Summary: Behavioral analytics is the process of systematically sorting through data to uncover patterns of user behavior in order to gain an insight into user decision making. The better you understand your user, the better your company is at catering to your user’s needs and […]

The ideal team: look for integrity, energy and intelligence

Today’s guest post is from Marten Mickos. The most unlikely teams may soar to the most amazing success. For that reason, it’s not easy to define the ideal startup team. Here is what can be seen over and over again in successful teams: Each member of a winning team puts the success of the enterprise […]

Oracle Inspiration Tour 2015: a morning with BootstrapLabs

As part of Oracle OpenWorld 2015 this week, Oracle France organized a 5 day “inspiration” tour of San Francisco/Silicon Valley for about 30 French corporate executives. After visiting some of our friends at LinkedIn, Lending Club, and Uber, the group spent Tuesday morning with BootstrapLabs at our San Francisco offices. Settled in with coffee and pastries, the […]